You may have already heard the news that the FDA recently approved the new nutrition facts table format, going into effect July 26, 2016, so that is the day these new nutrition facts tables are permitted to appear on packages. Companies have 2 years from that date to make the change, and companies that have less than $10 million in annual sales are allowed an additional year beyond that. EDIT: As of July 13, 2017, the FDA has announced that they will extend the compliance deadline. They will release more information on the specific new dates soon and we will update here.
It’s not just the format that has changed, but also the recommended daily values for nutrients like sodium, dietary fiber and vitamin D have been updated, as well as serving sizes for certain food types to better reflect what people actually eat in one serving.
Here is a link to the overview from the FDA on what is changing.
If you’re interested in discussing how we can help you bring your packages up to date, just get in touch with us.
Any questions, leave them in the comments below!
Please advise if you can provide print ready .ai files with the new nutritional facts info for the food products my company currently sells (popcorn, cotton candy, snow cups, lemonade, lollipops, etc.)
See below for my info.
Lois Borough
Director-Product Development
Hi Lois, Yes we can help. I just sent you an email with more information.
Hey Jenn! Thanks for putting so much time into organizing the Nutrition Facts info. FDA’s database is brutal to read through. Really appreciate it. Could I get the same info you gave Lois?
Hi Tyler, emailed you some info!
Hi Jenn,
I see that you have print ready .ai files for the new NFT panels. I would love to have those files for our packaging. Can you please get in touch with me about this.
Hi Maghan,
You can download the vector art of the new nutrition fact panels from the FDA at – the fonts are outlined but it is actual size and a good starting point.
Thanks Jenn!
Hi Jenn,
Great website. I was wondering if you can provide any insight/sources into the minimum size requirements of the new 2016 NF for either a “standard vertical” or “dual-column” NF?
Thank you in advance please keep up the great work!
Hi Desmond,
There is no minimum size for the table display overall, only that the information and rules meet the minimum point sizes. Here is a graphic layout of those rules from the FDA that will help you: